Thursday 22 March 2018

what is attitude scale and type s of attitude scale

attitude scale

the attitude scale is a spacial type of questionnaire designed to measure people opinion on any special issues or event that is called attitude scale. we use attitude scale to measure the student feeling on education and we try to understand student learning capacity. attitude scale help the give rating of student according to their performance. the word scale is come from latin word scala the meaning of scala is a ladder of flight of steps, a scale. the use of attitude scale are used to rank of peoples judgments of objects, event, or other.

Aiims Nursing officers ki prepratprep kaise Kate 👇 

commonly  used  attitude scale in ---

  • rating for student 
  • it help to measure people opinions on social issue 
  • employee rating scale designed to measure job related performance 
  • it help the judge quality  

''attitude is a perceptual  orientation and response readiness in reaction to a particular object or class of object'' (eysnck 1972).

attitude has three component 

  • thoughts
  • feeling 
  • action or reaction  

''scale procedure used in measuring or quantifying event, objects, or phenomenon in any sequence.

attitude scale 

''attitude as the degree of positive or negative feeling associated with some psychological object like symbol, phrase , slogan , person , institution , idea towards which people can differ in varying degree''
                                     according to louis leon thurstone in 1928

" the attitude scale is a spacial  type of questionnaire  designed ot measure people opinion on any particular event and issue''

''attitude scale is made up  of statements about a particular issue and each statement has a numerical value indicating how favorable or unfavorable it is judged to be.''

type of attitude scale 

  1. thurstone scale 
  2. likert summated scale 
  3. bogardus social scale 
  4. gutman cumulative scale  
  5. sematic differential scale 

1. thurstone scale - the thurstone scale are made in 1928 by L.L. thurstone. the thurstone scale was the first technique to measure attitude it is made up statement on particular issues.the play important role in a research activity. it help to show difference between group or product .

2. likert scale -  it is measurement method the likert scale was developed in 1932.the likert scale commonly used in attitude surveys. this scale is commonly used in research in other words we are say psychometric scale. 

3. bogrardus social scale -   this scale is created by emory the bogardus scale is psychological testing  scale. the  bogrardus social scale  measure people willingness to a particular contact.

4. gutman cumulative scale  - the gutman cumulative scale measure positive and negative attitude of a person in a particular topic. it help to understand thought of people in a particular topic or issue.

5. sematic differential scale - semantic scale is a rating scale designed to measure  canotative meaning of objective, event , and concept. 


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